Pole-Vaulting, Just a Crazy Person's Sport?

By: Kris Wood
Image by Kris Wood

Pole-vaulting is an event in the track and field where the athlete uses a fiberglass pole to propel themselves into the air as high as possible over a bar. At a glance it seems like a fairly simple event, but there are countless variables that play into the jump. From an outsider's perspective, it would seem that only people that have a screw loose in their head would participate is this event. This may be partially true, it takes a special kind of crazy to do this event, but there are measures to lower the risk. From my personal experience in this sport in high school at at Washburn University, I have learned these different ways to lower the danger of this sport. The different aspects and steps that an athlete can take to make the event safer and still have fun with it. Some of these aspects are good coaching, proper training, proper equipment, and simply a love for the sport. Each one of these different aspects of the sport play into the athletes safety and eventual success of in the event. They do not eliminate the risk involved with the sport, but it puts the the athlete at a much lower risk.


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