All It Takes Is "Photoshop"

There are a lot of factors that play into body type and even if a person goes on a diet and workout everyday, they still may not look like the way social media portrays the perfect body. Two people can be the exact same weight and height, yet still have completely different body types. 

Most times, it is impossible to have someone else’s body because everyone is not built the same. On social media, everyone can have the same body. 

All it takes is simple photoshop. Some people do this to make their bodies look “perfect” and some people just naturally have the bodies that other people want. It can be extremely hard for some people to tell the difference between what is real and what is not. When everyone seems to have the perfect body, it can create a mindset that they need to have this body too in order to be perfect and have everyone like them, as social media portrays. People start to hate the body that they are in and dream of a day where their body looks like someone they saw online. 

Someone who’s body may not have even been real. These people start harming themselves by putting poisonous detoxes in their body, over workout, and eat and drink less. They do this all to feel better about themselves, when the reality is; Social media is rapidly changing and what is the “perfect” body today, may be completely different tomorrow.


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