A Place for All to Gather

Photo by Regina Cassell
The Cassell family has invaded College Avenue!

Welcome to Media Bootcamp, Fall 2016 edition! This blog will be a shared blog, and we will all share our thoughts as those who comment and those who post.

I'm Regina Cassell, and I will be the leader of this expedition.

About Me:
My family sold our home of 15 years and moved a mile away to our new home on College Avenue. It was quite the adventure, and I have not fully recovered. I was still clinging to my 20s the last time we moved. 
I’ve been at Washburn since July 2000. My husband, Gene, is the sports information director at Washburn, and we have two boys, Jacob, 13, and Jared, 11. I’m a busy wife and mom. 
I have taught as a lecturer in the mass media department since the fall of 2003, and I am also the director of Student Media at Washburn.
The Student Media staff keeps washburnreview.org updated with new content all year long along with producing three Bod Magazines, 26 weekly issues of the newspaper and a yearbook. Need a job? Apply online by following the link above.
Now for a quick course blog orientation. THIS blog is the course blog. You all will have individual blogs on blogger.com. My OWN blog is designed to help you with your OWN blog. Find it at http://reginacassellrocks.blogspot.com/.

But, now for the ASSIGNMENT!

1) In D2L, go to Content and to the Day 1 module and share your gmail with me. By Thursday, you will need to have joined the course blog (THIS ONE!) and have posted a photo and brief introduction of yourself. I will need your gmail address to invite you to be an author of this blog. DO NOT confuse a new blog with membership on THIS blog.

2) Make sure you understand the difference between a post and a comment. I want you to COMMENT on this post. Impress me by sharing a book you read this summer or a movie you had to go see.You will create your own POST, not a comment on a post. 

3) As other classmates are posting and sharing, make sure you read their introductions.
4)You also need to make sure you figure out how to make your links “live.” In other words, I want to be able to click on any URLs you choose to share in posts or comments. It’s super easy, and I know you smart phone junkies can handle it. Just look for the word "Link" in the menu bar.


  1. Hello, Professor! This summer I've gotten about 50% of the way through The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich by William L. Shirer, which is often seen as one of the best retellings of Nazi history and that of WWII. I'm really glad to be reading it, because Shirer was a journalist, not a historian, so his perspective is incredibly valuable. As a Mass Media major with a History minor, this sort of book fits the bill perfectly.

  2. Howdy, Professor. I managed to go all summer without reading a single book or watching any of the big summer movies. I've got some catching up to do. I think the closest I got was Captain America: Civil War when it was out in May. It was pretty cool.

    1. I read a few books this summer, but the one that stands out is "Fahrenheit 451," a classic I never read during my own academic days. I especially liked the coda he added several years after publishing the novel.

  3. Top of the Morning! This past Summer I was busy working almost every day so getting an opportunity to read was never an option. However, I have caught up on my television show series from Winter & Spring 2015-2016, which involves The Foster’s, Lab Rats, Blue Bloods, and NCIS. I’m looking forward to seeing how Michael Weatherly does on his own, and how NCIS does as far as ratings and reviews. These return back on the air September 20th.

    1. I have more than a fair amount of TV shows I enjoy. My current faves are "The Blacklist," "Criminal Minds" and a few HGTV shows.

  4. Good morning!

    This summer, I took it upon myself to read a lot of modern autobiographies written by some of my favorite leading ladies, i.e. Amy Poehler, Tina Fey, Mindy Kaling, and Sophia Amoruso. All of these books shared a handful of key common themes: feminism, self-love, self-confidence, and general life advice. All of these women have led amazing lives, and it was incredibly inspiring to read their stories.

    As I get older, I've noticed that I am more likely to read inspiring, motivating, nonfiction books as opposed to fiction novels. However, I am craving a good fiction read as of late, so if you have any suggestions, feel free to share.

    I am looking forward to kickstarting my blog! This will certainly be a journey for me.

    1. I honestly am a late-comer to nonfiction. I have enjoyed several books by Sue Monk Kidd, especially "Travelling with Pomegranates."

      For fun fiction, I like things like Bridget Jones Diary or very random, but books with creative covers I discover in our wonderful community library.

  5. Hey there. I didn't have much of a chance to read this summer because I was working full time. Instead I took any spare time I had and watched a few TV shows. I was able to finish How I Met Your Mother and Stranger Things.

    1. Were you satisfied with the series of ending of How I Met Your Mother?

  6. Hey! I'm really excited to be in the bootcamp class this semester! This summer I read a few books, but my two favorites of them all would have to be The Opposite of Loneliness by Marina Keegan and The Secret History by Donna Tartt.

    1. I am not sure who I am chatting with here. Make sure if your name does not pop up that you include it in your comment section. I have not heard of either of these books. What were your impressions?

  7. Hello! I am really looking forward to learning how to blog! The most memorable book I read this summer would definitely have to be Harry Potter and The Cursed Child by JK Rowling! I have always been a huge Harry Potter fan and was so excited to read this!
    The way she wrote it like a play was really surprising at first, but I found that I still enjoyed it. I am hoping I will eventually be able to and see the actual production on stage!

    1. I have not yet read this book, but I am worried I will only be disappointed.

  8. Good afternoon professor Cassell. My latest pleasure is audiobooks. Is it still considered reading a book by just listening to it? I think that would be a great debate question but, I will skip that for now. Even though everyone has apparently read the Harry Potter series by J.K. Rowling, I fancy Stephen King myself. I will not lie, the movies that are made from his stories are usually horrible but, the books are a 1,000 times better. This summer I tried to get through his entire collection but, only made it about a fourth of the way through I think. Lets see, I listened/read: Salem's Lot, The Long Walk, Rage, Night Shift, Roadwork, Christine, It, The Tommy Knockers, The Dark Half, Four Past Midnight, Needful Things, and Gerald's Game. There is probably another couple stories in there that I forgot but, these kept me well entertained over the summer. I can't wait to get the next book (Insomnia) read from Mr. King but, now that school has started that will have to be a low priority.

  9. Yes, it does still count. My sons got me hooked on audio books. I actually listened to King's book "On Writing," on audio tape. I literally found myself driving places on purpose so I could listen. It was wonderful, especially because he read it himself.

    Does he read his other books?

    1. I was saving "On Writing" for a bit later, but yes he seems to get the urge on occasion to do an audio book. He has read "Needful Things", another favorite of mine. I think he's done about four or five books now.

  10. Good afternoon!!
    I'd just like to start off by saying I am so excited for this class. I had a blog senior year in my English class, but we didn't get to choose the topic. So this should be a lot of fun.
    This summer I decided to read the book Gone Girl and then followed it up with the movie. I'm usually not into thrillers but I loved this book. Also, I would have to say that I found the book a lot better than the movie. (It always seems to end up like that for me) :)

    1. Books provide details and back story that movies simply cannot. I'm not sure what points a person toward being passionate about books or not, but I am still somewhat surprised when people claim to hate reading. I've even gasped out loud. :)

  11. Hello! First off I would like to say I am sorry for being one of the three who forgot to put our gmail on that sheet after the first day of class... Yes, that was me, I admit it! But blogging has always been something that I have wanted to go in to so I am so excited for this class.

    I have to admit, this summer I was not much of a reader (unless you count social media, then I read every day!), but one of my favorite book series is the Witch and the Wizard series by James Patterson. He writes in short chapters so it keeps your interest and it goes by really quick! I hope they make it into a movie some day!

    1. No worries. Better late than never. I am scrambling to get my new house in order because there are so many terrific places I think a person could curl up with a book!

  12. This summer I went to see Suicide Squad after waiting months for it to come out! I did like the movie but I will say the protanganist of the story and the ending were much different than what I was expecting. However, I really loved the characters, of course Harley Quinn and the Joker but also the Enchantress and Captain Boomerang. Overall the movie was very different and not your typical super hero movie but I really enjoyed seeing it!

    1. I'm not even sure I went to the movies this summer. It seems like I did once, but I can't even recall what we saw. Geez.

  13. This summer i didn't do much reading because I spent my time working and traveling. I'm not really a fan of going to the movies because I think it's a waste of money but I did see sausage party which is firmly believe is one of the funniest movies ever. It was surprisingly really political (and extremely innapropriate) and showed just how selfish humans are by comically showing our actions by using food. I highly recommend it, just don't see it with children, parents, or anyone you are not comfortable having open conversations with

  14. Hi everyone! I do enjoy reading but this last summer I didn't get around to reading any books. I really enjoy going to the movies. This last summer I decided to bring my little brother with me to the movies, so I could spend some more time with him before I go off to college. Secretly, I think he enjoyed spending time with me. I've recently seen the movie Bad Mom's and i've got to say it was probably one of the best movies I have seen all summer.

    1. It looked like it might be an entertaining movie.

  15. Hopefully this doesnt show up twice. I spent the summer selling cars. It took a majority of my summer, since I typically spend 11.5 hours a day on the lot. I also spent a great deal of time in the theatre with my husband which made for a fast and wonderful summer

    1. No worries. I just deleted the duplicate. What shows did you see?

  16. Hello Professor Cassell!

    I used to read a lot more books back in the day compared to the amount I read now. I can't say I remember the last book I've read...

    However, a great movie I've seen recently that I really enjoyed was the Revenant. This may sound corny, but I thought the symbolism and the "depth" in that movie was really amazing.

    1. Find yourself a good book! There are so many good ones out there.

  17. Hello Professor. This summer I mainly just worked, but I did get to go see the movie Now You See Me 2. I thought that it was A well done movie. I also enjoyed watching the magic illusions in the movie. It also had some comedy in it as well.

    1. I wonder if working was as much fun as packing and moving boxes was :)

  18. Hi guys! I did not read many books this summer because I was either working or with my family. I did see many movies this summer though. I saw most of the DC Marvel movies, Now you see me 2, Ghostbusters, Bad Mom's, Sausage Party, Angry Birds, and more. My two favorite ones were Suicide Squad and X-men. Why? because they were well executed and I normally love movie based off of coming books like that. I also binged watched a tv series with my roommate. It was called “Scandal” it was great. mix NCIS, politics, and an unnecessary love-triangle and that's what the show was.

    I look forward to the class!

    1. "Scandal" is a show I've been addicted to for awhile now.

  19. This is very late, I know.

    A movie I saw this summer was Captain America: Civil War. I really enjoyed it; seeing most of the main Marvel Avengers in one movie was pretty cool. #TeamCap


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