Twitter & Vine Update

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  1. I think what's truly a bummer about losing Vine is that it was a success. It became a cultural phenomenon, it created a lot of its own stars, and now it's done for. I'm not sure Twitter knows what it needs to do to stay afloat and be successful, and this is certainly not an encouraging sign.

  2. All things must pass I suppose. I must admit I have never used Vine, don't understand Vine and I am indifferent to its demise. With that said, I'm sure there are lots of people who will be sad to see Vine go, especially the 300 people who are poised to lose their jobs. Twitter does seem to be throwing a compassionate bone to its dedicated users however by keeping the Vine website up indefinitely and allowing people to download their coveted Vines for future enjoyment.

  3. I am sad to see Vine go. Within it was a culture that was completely borne of social media. People truly found their niche in the six-second video format. Vine was the only app that made me laugh out loud. When I see something funny on Twitter or Facebook, I'll laugh, but it's the kind of laugh where you just blow extra air out of your nose. Vine had me rolling around in my bed cackling. Twitter is clearly struggling, and I'm not sure if doing away with Vine was it's smartest move in the public eye. I suppose we will have to wait and see what Twitter's next move will be. RIP Vine.

  4. I can't believe that Vine is over. What a bummer! I remember when it first blew up. So many comedians came out of it. Comedy has always been on of my passions and that's why I really loved Vine. Bo Burnham is one of my favorite comedians and I don't think I would have ever heard of him nor would he have had such a successful career without the app. The same applies to many other comedians. I guess all good things must come to an end. I like that they are going to let people download their videos. That's super cool of them.


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