Christopher Smith Bio

Hey guys whats up, I'm Christopher Smith. I am a transfer junior from Butler Community College Where I studied Mass Communication. I enjoy Hip Hop and everything about the culture that comes along with it. while at butler I had the chance to become the student GM/ Program director of KBTL 88.1 The Grizz, our campus radio station. I was in charge of all the students and as well as maintaining any problems the station had. Last year I won Honorable Mention in the KABs for best Dj Personality which was very humbling for me. I also had my own show every Thursday 6-8pm I go by the name Dj Average and choose that name because I'm just your average hip hop head who cant listen to enough music everyday. As I further my education I hope to graduate soon and move on to continue my career as a Dj Personality. 


  1. Hey Christopher! I am really into hip hop and the culture. I am looking forward to listen your play as Dj Personality!

  2. That's really awesome that you accomplished so much in a short time! I also think it's really cool that you're working towards becoming a DJ Personality, it sounds like fun!

  3. Yo Chris, you transferred from a great school I have a couple teammates that played their the past couple years. Im much in tune with the music of today, so if you got an samples or playlists you need to be heard I am willing to listen.


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