Simple Steps to Reading the Bible

by Jarin Downing

Hey everyone, Jarin here I am introducing you to the first post to the "Simple Steps to Reading the Bible" Blog. Now you may be asking why would a college student want to read the Bible when I have plenty of other textbooks that I have to read during the week. Well, this is not to convert you to becoming a devout Christian, instead I want to broaden your horizon so if you wanted to understand how to read the bible, you will not be confused on certain chapters. The Bible, religion and the media are closely tied in large aspects. For example, the media gets opinions from evangelists and scientists about certain issues such as abortion. I know that is a controversial topic, but those who are pro-life want there message to come from a source just as scientists who are pro-choice get medical sources. The media wants both sides to have their say on various matters that and let the viewer make the decision on what is fair. I want to help those who have never even read a verse able to read the bible because it means that much to me to bridge the gap between believers and nonbelievers to create a respectful dialogue at the end of this blog.


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