Hi! my name is Ashley Broxtrman and I went to Rossville Highschool where I was the Lead Tecnical Director and Editor. Im majoring in Mass Media with an emphasis is Film and Video, of coarse.
When I have spare time, I enjoy cooking, playing sims, attending my sibilings extracurricar activites, reading, drawing and so much more.

Im most defielty a geek at heart. I refuse to watch any movie before I read the book (including comic books). My all time favorite books are "The Great Gatsby" "Scarlet Letter" Anything John Green ( sterotypical, I know) and lots more.
I have an obsession with Lions and Octopi. Why? your guess is as good as mine. I love horror movies, espeically the feeling they make you feel. I enjoy music alot. The Beatles, Johnny Cash,  Acratic Monkeys is what you will find in my playlist normally.

You will normally see me chugging
some type of caffine because it runs in my veins.
Right now im trying to
balance two jobs and
college life,
 so far so good!


  1. It does not seem like you would be one to get bored.

  2. AH I love the Beatles too! One of my all time favorite bands. Looking forward to read your blog this class!

  3. We have a lot of the same interests! You seem really nice and I can't wait to see what your blog is about!


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