Hello World--Emily's Bomb Life (lol)

Hello, my name is Emily Clanton and I'm a native Topekan! I turned 18 in May, the same month I graduated from Shawnee Heights High School. Although I'm undecided on my minor, my goal is to major in Mass Media.

This year I decided to live on-campus in the LLC. My plan is to become very involved and meet lots of new people. I also plan on rushing and joining a sorority this fall. I enjoy dancing and have been taking ballet and other classes for the past 14 years as well as competing though studio dance and my high school dance team. This will be my first year dancing for Washburn as a Dancing Blue and I'm very excited!

Other than dance, some of my hobbies include: eating lots of delicious food, going out with my friends, and bumping rap music everywhere I go. If you see me outside class I will most likely be doing these three things.

As of right now, I am a lifeguard at Genesis Health Club Wood Valley until Labor Day. After the holiday I will still be working at Genesis but in the nursery/day care. I really love kids!

My hope for this semester is that I pass all my classes and don't have a mental breakdown like Britney Spears when she shaved her head.

Thanks for reading!

My blog will be centered around all the fabulous eateries and diners in Topeka. My main goal is to inform others of the delicious food Topeka has to offer. Hope you enjoy!
dis the link 4 my blog: http://eatfoodnowfatty.blogspot.com/


  1. Take one day at a time and do stuff on your list daily. Then you can stay sane and avoid the losing your mind part of college…

  2. I hear you on the "eating lots of delicious food." That happens to be my best talent.

  3. I really love your Into Title, not gonna lie. I have a strong appreciation for it

  4. Hey, Em! You are a bomb dancer and a bomb roommate. Bumping rap music with you is one of my favorite hobbies.

  5. Great to know there's one other Thunderbird alumni in the course! I'm from the great Y2K Class of 2000!

  6. Great to know there's one other Thunderbird alumni in the course! I'm from the great Y2K Class of 2000!

  7. Jealous that you can dance because I definitely can't. But excited for this class with you!!


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