China's COVID-19 Cover Up

By: Elle Barrett
This final COVID-19 theory has been discussed more and more since the virus arrived in the United States. Many believe that China attempted to cover up the virus from the moment it started to until now.
Mid-November 2019, the coronavirus made its first jump to a human in Wuhan, China. In December, China then realized the virus had arisen from a local live animal market. On New Year’s Eve, the market was shut down and they claim there wasn’t any evidence of human to human infection, which wasn’t true. They thought once they closed the market, the virus would be gone. Did they know different at that time? Absolutely. They were seeing cases coming into the hospitals that had nothing to do with the market.
The virus was now doubling weekly, and China knew it was being spread through human to human contact, but the rest of the world had no clue what was going on. 
January 25th, the official Lunar holiday is the biggest holiday in China. More human beings move about within China on this day than any other occasion in the world. President Xi Jinping was aware of how deadly COVDI-19 was but allowed five million people to leave Wuhan without being screened for the virus, before imposing a lockdown.
What makes this theory so interesting is the question “Could it have been avoided?”. Many people think it could have, and China knows it. That is why they’re trying to create a different story, so the blame does not come back on them. 


  1. They are always covering things up! If they had told the truth then we would be way better off!


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