Coronavirus vs. The Common Cold

By: Elle Barrett

On his radio show, Rush Limbaugh made a claim that the coronavirus is being used as a weapon to bring down President Trump. On February 24, Limbaugh proceeded to go on about the coronavirus and how it is just the common cold. He believes the media is trying to use the coronavirus to scare everyone in hopes of the government finding something that will get rid of Trump. Limbaugh compared the situation to the panic and fear America felt when we heard for two years over Russia stealing the election.
First of all, COVID-19 is not the common cold. The symptoms are different and COVID-19 has a morality rate of about 2 percent, and the cold does not. Limbaugh probably made that claim because COVID-19 is a type of coronavirus, which is an umbrella term describing a number of viruses, including the common cold. 


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