Joy in the Journey

By: Hannah Willey 
Welcome to my Travel Blog! I am so excited to share my travel experiences with you. I have had the opportunity to travel to some of the most beautiful destinations with my family and best friends. Traveling has allowed me to meet some amazing people from different cultures and lifestyles. I have had the opportunity to discover new things and reflect on the similarities and differences in my own life.

 Traveling has allowed me to re-discover myself while also creating a bond with my family that will endure forever. We have created lasting memories that we will cherish. These experiences have pushed my family and I to step out of our comfort zone and open our eyes to what is really important in life. 

Throughout this blog, I will take you along to visit some of my favorite destinations including St. Kitts, Cabo San Lucas, Punta Cana, and Hawaii. All of these destinations are unique and have their own special cultures. These destinations have shaped me into the person I am today and I am forever grateful. 

Pack your bags and get ready for an adventure! Click here to learn more about the importance of travel.


  1. What a great way to experience new things with your family!

  2. I think it's really cool that traveling is just as important to your family as it is to you. It seems like traveling has definitely shaped you into who you are today.


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