Donald's Organizations

The 2 organazations I chose were BMI &  OUTsource.
I chose BMI, Broadcast Music Inc, is a music and publishing organization. I chose this one becuause I am already a member. My music, about 50 different songs, are attached to BMI. I have also, been paid because of BMI. BMI allowed me to register my music and then they kept track of who and where my music was being played, downloaded, and purchased. IT wasn't a large check, but it felt damn good to make money in my life for doing something I loved. I believe that this organization will always be useful to me,even in advertising, because something I wrote could always possibly become a jingle. And nothing in life is free. BMI ensures that that remains the case.
I also chose OUTsource, because it is geared towards making the proffesional live of the LGBT community easier. In this day in age, we have an easier time getting into business enviroments. WIth organizations like this one, it allows people to connect to others within the proffession. It basically connects Human resources, training and organizational developement, and staffing. This group allows likeminded or lifestyled individuals to help those in similar postions, and it also opens doors to idead on finding LGBT talent.


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