Advertising Professional Organizations

The International Advertising Association

How to become a member?
Sign up online.
How many members?
Over 85,000 professionals across the country.
How often do they meet/where do they meet?
Monthly and/or bimonthly; Washington D.C.
Who can join?
Anyone in the advertising field
How much does it cost?
$100 annually
How many chapters does it have?
226 across the US
What is their mission?

To protect and promote the well-being of advertising.

American Marketing Association

How many members are there?
30,000 members in the field.
How many chapters are there in North America?
Over 70.
How much does it cost?
$250 in dues and a $30 application fee
How many different types of members are there?
What are they?
Professional, Young professionals, Doctoral Students, College Students, Group Membership, International Membership, Multi-Year Membership.
How do you join?
Fill out the application online.


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