Adulting 101: You're all grown up now, but please go to bed

[Graphic by pikisuperstar]
By Glorianna Noland

Being an adult is confusing. I’m 21, and as far as the federal government is concerned, I’ve been an adult for a few years now.

However, there’s a lot of obvious things that goes along with being an adult that both myself and others often forget about.

Maybe time management and finances are what’s trumping you? Or maybe even something as simple as putting an end to the whole “sleep-is-for-the-weak” mentality by binge watching Netflix at some ungodly hour. 

Let’s assume the latter to help ease your way into this uncertainty that is the realm of being 18 and older. 
Some might consider all-nighters as a necessary sacrifice for the greater good. You might get things done, but at what cost?

Research shows how sleep benefits the learning and memory processes. So, if you’re a college student studying for an exam, all-nighters don’t really help the information sink in. This is usually the reason why everybody brain-dumps after a test is over.

How do we remedy this?

Build a schedule by creating a game plan that you can actually follow through with.

Students, create reasonable times within your day to day and schedule your studying for them.

Lack of sleep affects your quality of life—so please don’t avoid the comfort of your bed on a regular basis.


  1. I'm terrible about staying up super late and then sleeping in. Maybe I do need a schedule.

  2. I have created a "bed time" for myself during quarantine to avoid becoming completely nocternal.

  3. Its so hard to me to go to bed because of the work schedule that I have..


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