Are Dance Costumes Inappropriate?

By Mariah Rollwagen

There is a lot of debate in the dance community about whether or not skimpy dance costumes are inappropriate for young dancers. Many people, like the author and self-proclaimed “dance mom” of this Huffington Post article, believe that the current trend of dance costumes is inappropriate and needs to change. Dancers are often seen in rhinestone bras and small shorts or briefs by the age of 5 years old. Are these costumes inappropriate for young girls to perform in?

Photo By Sherry Hauser

From the age of 12, I danced competitively and saw these types of dance costumes among many different studios and students of many different ages. Many of our classes required us to rehearse in sports bras and shorts or tight leggings. This was required to help the teachers see our bodies more clearly in order to correct our technique. Although my opinion may be unpopular, I believe these “skimpy” types of costumes allow judges to more clearly see the dancers’ performance and technical abilities. Children should never be seen in a sexual way no matter the costume or setting; the problem with the oversexualization of young dancers lies within the viewer and not the dancer or how they are presenting themselves. If a young dancer is comfortable in the costumes they are provided, then they should have the ability to perform in those costumes without judgement or fear of being sexualized. We should be more focused on how the dancers feel in these costumes and less on how the audience feels about them. This article highlights many of the problems I have with the Huffington Post article linked above.


  1. I feel like costumes like that also help the child dancing score differently. Also, kids will wear costumes that go with the music they are dancing to.

  2. I feel that girl should have costumes but it needs to be appropriate. This world is sick nowadays

  3. You made several good points. I think it really depends on the type of dance the girl is given as well as the age.


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