COVID-19 Conspiracies: Chinese People Eating Bats

By: Elle Barrett

Most coronaviruses come from animals and because the theory that COVID-19 originated in China, several people assume the virus came from the Chinese eating bats. 
Many videos on social media have gone viral, showing people eating bats or bat soup. However, eating exotic animals in China is less common than we all would think. Starting around 2002-2002, eating exotic animals started to drastically decrease. There is also no evidence that eating bats were the cause of the COVID-19 pandemic. 
A large number of those who tested positive for COVID-19 did not have any contact with live animals before they fell ill.
Nobody knows where exactly COVID-19 came from, but assuming a virus originated from a country’s eating habits is not only incorrect, but it is also offensive. It is clear that we are not considerate when it comes to picking on certain cultural practices.


  1. A very open-minded post! It's unfortunate that the stereotypes of native Chinese consumption habits lead to such insane assumptions.


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