COVID-19 conspiracies: Bill Gates

By: Elle Barrett

The government first introduced COVID-19 in 2018 and supposedly Bill Gates is responsible. The Bill and Melinda Gates foundation announced in 2019 that the foundation would help fund an unrelated project to do research on livestock disease and immunology. 
Gates gave a presentation in 2018 at the Massachusetts Medical Society and New England Journal of Medicine. During his presentation, Gates presented a stimulation suggesting that a flu very similar to the 1918 flu pandemic could kill 50 million people within a six-month period. He also added that the Global Public Health Community did not have the resources to deal with a pandemic.
Gates presentation was mainly to argue that governments need to work better with the private sector to create technology to fight a pandemic in the future. It is suspected that Gates predicted this global chaos for his personal profit because he clearly indicated there needed to be better preparedness.


  1. Interesting resources! I have been reading a lot about this conspiracy lately and its super interesting and also scary to think about.

  2. I had no idea that this conspiracy even existed, omg XD


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