Facebook for Business

Facebook is a great platform for businesses. Businesses can expand and create relationships with customers instantly. Customers or fans of a business can like and share posts made on that page. The posts can then reach out to new potential customers.

Image courtesy of SproutSocial
Facebook messenger is a great way for customers to talk with a company or representative of a company instantly. Building a personal relationship with people interested in your business creates customer loyalty.

Businesses have the option to run advertisements to particular demographics that may be interested in products. This makes for more cost effective advertising and that is great for small businesses who can't exactly afford a Superbowl halftime commercial. 

Image courtesy of smallbiztrends
Another great thing about Facebook for businesses is that it is completely free to use. Small businesses can create products and a list of services they offer right on Facebook. Clients and customers can book appointments on Facebook right from their smart phones. 


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