Should books be adapted into movies and TV shows?

Since the beginning of the film industry, books have been adapted on to the big screen.

In the past few years, this practice has become increasingly popular. While some look down upon this, saying that the books are meant for personal interpretation rather than actors making the characters their own, others love the idea of a new interpretation of the same material.

Some of the most popular movie adaptations are based on young adult novels such as "Harry Potter," "The Hunger Games," and "Twilight."

As an avid reader myself I look forward to seeing my favorite books adapted into movies, however, it is very easy for the stories to get lost in translation. Books allow a story to be detailed and complex and develop slowly, which makes it difficult for a screenwriter to include every last detail.

I am a strong believer that books are ALWAYS better than the movies but the film and entertainment industry is a big part of our society and culture, and it’s not going anywhere.

Adapting written stories has brought us many incredible films. Movies like “The Godfather,” “Fight Club,”  “Moonlight” and “Hidden Figures” all came first from literature. Although pieces of the stories can be lost in the adapting process, it is still nice to see great stories unfold on the big screen. 


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