Media Essentials: Podcast Example

photo by Jason Morrison
A friend and I decided we would practice how to make a podcast. I set the phone down in front of us and pushed record. As soon as the recording started, we didn't know what to say, but I kept recording and improvised. I had topics written down, but it isn't as easy to say what you have in mind in a way that sounds good in the end. Keep in mind, the better you sound the less editing you will have to do. Try and keep your voices at the same volume and your speaking at an even speed. Most people speed up and slow down, and get quiet and loud within the same few sentences. We have "ums" and "ahs" and "sorta likes" and many others. This can turn your editing into a nightmare, with no sleep before the next school day, and you falling off the stool in photography class. (been there done that). Here is an example of the editing nightmare. I spent hours trying to make sense of the topic, fix the sound levels, and turn it into something listenable: 


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