Stand up for Trees

I call each one of you who will look at this final blog post and reflect upon the importance I put into tree planting. This is not a fantastical tale like Treebeard from The Lord of the Rings, it is much more serious. Like the trees in that movie series were cut down for selfish purposes in Middle-Earth, so are the trees on Earth in reality are cut down at a faster rate than when we can plant. I am not asking for superheroes, tree huggers, or bioterrorists. No I am asking you to take a look at the neighborhood and wonder if there is a need for trees. If you believe so grab a friend or two, devise a plan, take that plan to your local Home Depot, get some lawn care products, and get to planting a tree. One tree can save a neighborhood, imagine what ten different kinds of trees planted in barren locations and underdeveloped communities could do. Then when those trees are growing and producing fruit you can go to a different part of your hometown and start a tree planting movement. It starts with one person, I am up to the challenge, are you?

Thanks everyone who has or will take the time to read, listen, and watch this five blog post series on Eco-friendly tree planting!
Graphic by Jarin Downing
Go Green or No Home


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