Professionalism: The Babies

Credit: Urban Strings Colombus

“Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery but today is a gift, that is why we call it the present.”- Master Oogway. Nothing can be done about the days that have come before us, and the future's not ours to control just yet, but we can set ourselves up in the position one day. The value of anything is its next. That is why we treat the youth as such a virtue. A virtue that in many cases can be overlooked or simply abused. Telling young children the same thing there parents are told. All the things they can't do, can’t be and can’t appear as. How its instilled into their brains every image has a certain action. The young boy with locks will likely sale drugs, or the young girl with a double piercing looks fast and will likely rely on some man. When it doesn’t begin that way whatsoever, instead just a style a young child are attracted to. Society's adults are the ones who instill this standard, from a pseudo defined idea of professionalism. That ultimately derives from the past as it clearly looks down on those who aren’t of caucassion descent. Professionalism in physical appearance isn't necessarily an attempt to improve the workplace but often to shame culture.


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