Media Exposure

Graphics by: Quay'Shawn Akins
One more week in this quarantine, May 3 the date Governor Kelly has agreed that the " Stay at home order" is to end. As we get closer to that day I realized that the media isn't going anywhere anytime soon. I mean as long as we have the access to electricity to get that media going no matter who does what there is going to be an audience, depending on which there are some that have their opinion on things or going to share just because of the type of story it is that brings a lot of clicks(views). That being said with television we have all kinds of news channels that talk about the same story or some don't even talk about the same stuff, To social media with a lot of fake news or news that scare people made me come to realization that its Me V.S the media. It is really hard but you have to look at it as the media trying to bring us humans down mentally. It portrays us to think we need to be aware of  every little thing in the world besides not thinking of the information, how it is exposed to the people today it could be dangerous if not taking serious


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